Steal Winston Churchill’s Best Tips For Your Crisis

The Darkest Hour offers Winston Churchill’s finest formula for your crisis.

Perseverance for your crisis
Great success navigates the darkest hours/Jack English/Focus Features

The only catch is how to use trauma to reach your triumphs.

The Darkest Hour portrays the finest example of how to be a champion by being yourself.

The darkest crisis
Gary Oldman portrays a contemplative Winston Churchill/Jack English/Focus Features

He was no one but himself which freed him to think without pretending.

Clementine Churchill:  Let them see your true qualities, your lack of vanity.

Winston Churchill:  My poor judgement and my lying will.

Clementine Churchill:  Your sense of humor.

Winston Churchill:  Ho, ho, ho

Clementine Churchill:  Be yourself.

Winston Churchill:  Myself

Unlock your survival instincts

How about these New Year’s resolutions from Churchill’s example:

  • Be yourself
  • Don’t try to outrun your shadow.
  • Don’t try to change who you are.

“To be nobody but yourself in a world that is doing its best day and night to make you somebody else means that you must fight the hardest fight you have ever fought and never stop fighting.”  E. E. Cummings

Conformity is the enemy to creative problem solving.

Everyone around Churchill wanted him to negotiate “peace terms” with Hitler.

Nothing wrong with making peace except when the tiger is biting your head off.

Viscount Halifax: There’s nothing patriotic in fighting till the end! Now is the time to negotiate!

Winston Churchill: When will the lesson be learned! You cannot reason with a tiger when your head is in its mouth! I take full responsibility.

Viscount Halifax: Really?

Winston Churchill: Really! Yes, sir! It is the reason I sit in this chair!

Lean into your crisis

What moved me in the movie is Churchill chose to be strong while admitting he was afraid.

King George VI: Are you not afraid?  Winston Churchill: Most terribly.

Churchill solving a crisis
Winston Churchill (Gary Oldman) and King George VI (Ben Mendelsohn)/Jack English/Focus Features

And though he’s afraid, Churchill is thinking about how to respond and not react.

  • A phone call to President Roosevelt asking for help
  • Sitting in the Water Closet contemplating who knows what
  • Peering at maps through cigar smoke in the war room

A path to survival

And then in a speech, he called upon a golden rule for victory in survival.

“We’ve survived all of these years. We shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields, and in the streets. We shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender! For without victory there can be no survival!”  Winston Churchill


YOU can fight because look at everything you’ve survived so far!

Churchill made his countrymen believe they were survivors.

What is your take on Churchill’s survival formula?  What has helped you?

Steal Winston Churchill’s Best Tips For Your Crisis

8 thoughts on “Steal Winston Churchill’s Best Tips For Your Crisis

  1. Andy Doerfler says:

    Steve, Our men’s bible study group is currently “inhaling” Ben Stuart “This Changes Everything – Lessons from James.” There is such great wisdom to gain if we embrace our trials. It certainly is difficult while in the center of the storm and “Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial…” V. 12 Churchill worked through his “blood, toil, tears, and sweat…with all the strength that God can give us”! Thanks again Steve!

  2. Matt DiSabato says:

    Steve, I often find that during the times we hold strongest to our beliefs, we can be viewed as “unreasonable.” That word gives way to my favorite quote from George Bernard Shaw, “”The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” Thanks for the “shot in the arm, today.” I needed it. Matt

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