The most wildly successful person I ever met said it all in his obituary.
“I really believe that people get in trouble in life not because they want too much, but because they settle for too little.” Paul Markey
He developed one of the largest independent cities in the U.S., Stone Oak, north of San Antonio, TX.
But, Paul was especially known for epic refusals.
He refused to settle for less in . . .
- ethics
- family
- business
Even after tragedies, the kind most folks never get over, Paul never settled in mediocrity.

Success may be as simple as doing the opposite of what settlers do.
1. Successful folks listen
Folks mentored by Paul Markey always remember a special conversation whose lesson lasted a lifetime.
Why? The way he listened.
“Most of the successful people I’ve known are the ones who do more listening than talking.” Bernard Baruch
He inspired in a quiet but profound way.
Markey battled difficulties related to Parkinson’s disease in the last five years of his life.
But, he kept his dignity and stuck with his principles to the end.
He was a good man.
What did I gain from listening to Paul? The three laws of money
I benefitted from them and shared them often as a financial speaker at dental and medical conventions.
2. Successful folks say “no.”
Another way folks settle for too little is doing too much.
Not Clint Eastwood.
Clint, like my mentor Paul, is known for his epic refusal to settle.
He refuses to stop working while refusing to work harder.

His wildly successful formula works for us too.
- He won’t go over budget
- He won’t go over schedule
- He won’t change a script
A Clint Eastwood movie is defined by what he won’t do as much as what he will do.
Wildly successful folks say “no” in order to live “yes.”
3. Settlers ignore God
The last way I think folks settle for too little is living without the supernatural.
Living without God.
If you believe God is with you, then you are alert to his strength.
Reminds me of the Sunday school teacher who asked her four-year olds if they knew the 23rd Psalm. This little girl weaves to the front of the class and bows and says, “The Lord is my shepherd; that’s all I want.”
Beliefs are your greatest strength or your greatest weakness.
- Without God, you are a naturalist restricted to the best atoms can offer.
- With God, you are a supernaturalist accessing unlimited power.
“The Most High does not dwell in houses made by human hands; as the prophet says: ‘HEAVEN IS MY THRONE, AND EARTH IS THE FOOTSTOOL OF MY FEET; WHAT KIND OF HOUSE WILL YOU BUILD FOR ME?’ says the Lord, ‘OR WHAT PLACE IS THERE FOR MY REPOSE? ‘WAS IT NOT MY HAND WHICH MADE ALL THESE THINGS?'” Acts 7:48-50
Nature is filled with God’s presence every day.

And with God, there is unlimited beauty, hope and power.
In short, wildly successful folks . . .
- listen
- say “no”
- trust God
What’s your favorite lesson about success?