Don’t laugh at the possibility of a global financial collapse.
It almost happened ten years ago and I still can’t believe it.
On Sunday September 14, 2008, the Treasury Secretary of the United States was on his cell phone down the hall from his office so no one could hear him.
Hank Paulson was panic stricken and he wanted to talk to his wife Wendy.
“What if the system collapses? Everybody is looking to me, and I don’t have the answer. I am really scared.” Henry M. Paulson Jr., On the Brink: Inside the Race to Stop the Collapse of the Global Financial System
Let that sink in for a minute.
Could you ever imagine the Treasury Secretary of the United States scared?
Days later he pleas with every leader of our government for quick action.
The brink of financial collapse 2008/Steve Blaising/The Doctrine of the Future and the Marketplace