Fishing Guide Shows Three Secrets For Lasting Happiness

When my fishing guide pulled up in his Skeeter ZX 250, I thought, “OK.  Let’s rock!”

Fishing and lasting happiness
Greg West in his 2019 Skeeter ZX 250

What I didn’t expect were lifelong keys for lasting happiness.

1. Catch rewards from relationships

Greg West hopped out of the Skeeter and greeted us with a smile bigger than sunshine.

We poured hot coffee and sat on the shady dock with the cool summer breeze tantalizing our faces.

Greg was all about getting to know me and my friend Rob before we hit the lake.

He gave attention like we were the most important people ever.

How many folks do you know with that gift?

Folks who look you in the eye and listen like you are the most important person ever.

Imagine the happiest person focusing entirely on you.

No hurry to do anything but listen and engage with everything important to you in that moment.

That’s why I think Jesus’ answer about the most important commandment was . . .

“Love the Lord your God,” and “love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22: 37

No one loves you like your fishing guide because he/she knows how to connect with you and fish!

2. Embrace the unifying power in one boat

For six hours, Greg, my friend Rob and I crept, rode and sometimes raced the ZX 250 like kings in a chariot.

We had everything in common.

  • Laughter
  • Encouragement
  • Fish

Rob and I took turns fishing the top water and the deep water.

And just when we wanted to call it a day, Greg was smiling and reminding us the action was closer than we thought.

40 large-mouth bass later, we were giggling over the bass “blowing up” all around.

“When we slow down and open our eyes to the little adventures unfolding right before us in the everyday moments, we get to participate in one of the grandest adventures ever known—relationships with others.  One of the most important facets of a healthy relationship is shared adventure.”  Patrick Gray, Imprints

3. Use all four lures for greater adventures

While no one will forget any day shared with a guide like Greg, a few specifics about the way he approaches fishing lights our way to lasting happiness.

  • FAITH  Greg’s a believer.  He’s positive about the day no matter what.  A positive mind is an open mind and that leads to more fruitful adventures.
  • WORK  Greg knows what he’s good at.  Instead of banking, accounting or law like many of his Texas Tech buddies, Greg’s office is the ZX 250.
  • DISCIPLINE  Greg’s a workhorse.  Make no mistake.  Homework is a must!  Great guides know the lakes, the fish and the equipment.
  • INDEPENDENCE Greg does his own thing.  And he finds adventure in his freedom.

And freedom fans more happiness don’t you think?

Makes me think that God is a fisherman.

Fishing Guide Shows Three Secrets For Lasting Happiness

10 thoughts on “Fishing Guide Shows Three Secrets For Lasting Happiness

  1. Marc Abadie says:

    Steve, you are speaking my language with this one. Boats and adventure are catalysts for relationships. Fishing and sailing are fun but at the end of the day, it’s the relationships made or strengthened that are most important. Thanks for reminding me.

    1. Marc, thanks for sharing. I’m thinking about that yearlong sabbatical you took from your medical practice to live on a sailboat with wife and three kids! Those are the stories and lessons we need to hear!

  2. Bruce Lininger says:

    Jesus always has a soft spot in His heart for fishermen. You nailed His priority, relationship! Who you know, determines where and how you go!

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