Are you suffering from anxiety or pain that scares you?

Anxiety is often caused by physical or emotional pain.
But, one of God’s sweet creatures shows us how to endure.
Oysters show us how to survive the painful intruders blasting into our peaceful lives.

Intruders often show up when we are . . .
- comfortable, relaxed and secure
- loving life just being ourselves
But suddenly, something happens!
Like an oyster, we run into a hurricane or something that shifts a piece of sand or a little piece of coral inside our shell.
And this intruder hurts!
Pain! Where did that come from?
I didn’t want this! I don’t need this! I’ve got enough problems!
And now, I’ve got this intruder in my life! And he/she/it is hurting me!
The “why-me” approach to suffering
Since he couldn’t get rid of the sand, the oyster tries another approach.

Rebel against it! Get angry!
Get mad at the great mathematical god that threw this on him!
Start hitting other oysters!
Anger sinks to self-pity. Pity party!
Oh me!
Maybe I was suppose to be a shrimp!
I’m a horrible oyster! I’ve got this intruder in my life! It’s ruining my oysterhood!
Because pity doesn’t work, he tries something different.
Breakthrough by pulling this trigger

He uses his smarts! His mind! He secretes this milky substance to surround the intruder.
The trouble! That unwanted event!
This little oyster weaves that milky substance in a way that finally obscures the intruder and surrounds him with this beautiful pearl.
Instead of pity, the trouble becomes a pearl of triumph! A piece of jewelry!
The oyster shows us four secrets to transform anxiety into triumph.
#1 You are not a helpless victim
Remember this about trouble: You CAN solve your biggest problem.
You CAN make the decisions that make a difference.
YES, sometimes things come in your life that you cannot remove.
BUT, the issue is whether or not the dedication is there to do something about it!
#2 Transform, not conform
The intruder is not the issue. Your mind is.
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Romans 12:2
Replace old thoughts that aren’t working with new thoughts.
“No problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking.” Voltaire
#3 Forget what’s missing, focus on what’s available
When intruders make things worse, people forget they can make new decisions.
You can change the entire direction of your life by making a new decision!
Find every resource available to achieve small results.
Make daily progress instead of solving the whole problem now.
#4 Respond and don’t react
I have not interviewed any oysters on their problem solving techniques.
But, I know dedication is a role because it takes one to twenty years for an oyster to make a pearl.
As Paul said in Rom. 12:2, “Dedicate your bodies as a living sacrifice.”
“Dedicate” means to make a conscious commitment.
Embrace the new normal
At 65, I have learned that nothing is normal anyway.
So, embrace the new normal.
Survivors know that “new normal” is all there is.
Instead of freaking out, just remember the oyster and encapsulate intruders with a pearl.
What helps with your anxiety?
Steve so well put —again! At the young age of 62 you have the wisdom of Solomon! I do think there is a magic that comes with age where you have greater peripheral vision and patience that helps you move forward successfully by turning challenges into opportunities- realized!
Very kind words Steve, but this post is born out of my own pain and losses as well as the pain and losses I sense from those around me. But, I am encouraged that pain, loss and interruption can be transformed by the mercy and power of God.